Aabtin Zannd
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For you who are in process of finding and purchasing the perfect investment. All the necessary information about the process, how to be prepared, what to think of and how we will help you to comfortably and with confidence go through the whole process.

Buyers services


Find out how you can take part of your special offers for the perfect viewing trip with accommodation, viewings and much more in packaged, all for your comfort. See also what else is included in an inspection trip and what you can expect.


Need a mortgage? Find out how we and our partner banks can help you and how you can be prepared and well aware of what your funds are and what costs you can expect. A wise budget is the first and one of the most important steps of the process.


A much appreciated service for buyers, sellers and owners is home styling and decoration. Since many of our clients only use their homes for vacations they nor have the time, knowledge or will to be searching for furniture and home electronics. We will do that for you!

Contact us

Responsable del tratamiento: Diwanti Pardisi, SL, Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión y control de los servicios ofrecidos a través de la página Web de Servicios inmobiliarios, Envío de información a traves de newsletter y otros, Legitimación: Por consentimiento, Destinatarios: No se cederan los datos, salvo para elaborar contabilidad, Derechos de las personas interesadas: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, solicitar la portabilidad de los mismos, oponerse altratamiento y solicitar la limitación de éste, Procedencia de los datos: El Propio interesado, Información Adicional: Puede consultarse la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos Aquí.